Awkward Conversations: Circumcision and Church Membership – Loaf By Loaf
Words From the Grey

Awkward Conversations: Circumcision and Church Membership

In reading Galatians, Circumcision must have been a lot like Church Membership back in Paul’s day. I’m not quite sure how that conversation went down but by reading scripture, it must have been a very common question: “Hey, have you been circumcised?”

Whatever your answer, you either received the relieved nod of approval from the visibly religious, or the raised eyebrow, gritted teeth of the fearful. I can hear it now: “You’re not? Well…it’s not really required…but everyone else here is…so…we would love to put you on the schedule for our next group circumcision service…” 🙂

Did they really trust the person’s answer? Or did someone actually make them prove it?!

People strive to hang out with people that are like them–or rather try and make people more like them. The obvious struggle for these new Jewish believers of Jesus was letting go of “rules” and “show” as a way of identity. After all, circumcision had set them apart in the world for millennia.

Paul called these folks out on their true intention in Galatians 6:12-13: “As many as desire to make a good showing in the flesh, they try to compel you to be circumcised; only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.”

You see, this disciplined group had been raised by Pharisees. The Pharisees’ focus: circumcision, rules, synagogue–not inward “change”–but outward “show”. So for some of these new believers, profession of faith didn’t seem enough for you to fit comfortably into their group, they wanted you to be like them.

Today’s conversations go more like: “So, what church do you attend?”

As long as you have an answer, they seem content. They might whisper behind your back about varying beliefs, but they nod in approval of your association with a group and move on.

The problem: Wrong question.

Inward Rebirth or Outward Show?

I recently watched a video podcast on Doubt that was sadly eye-opening.

Two men from a well known mega church here in the USA were sitting on a couch discussing how the one gentleman, a staff pastor, began to doubt whether he even believed in Jesus or if he was just “perpetuating lies” he had been taught in church. They were encouraging people to embrace their doubt and ask questions.

He told of how he was raised in church. He was taught all the tenets of faith. He was taught to believe and accept everything as truth for his life. He went to Bible College and subsequently became a pastor. And it was while driving to a group he was teaching that he began to doubt everything.

I’m totally cool with questioning everything you’ve been taught by man and wrestling it against the written Word of God–in fact, I would encourage it. But what saddened me was listening to his new found “resolution” to his rejection of what he was taught as a child to his “peace with faith”. He now embraces: “trying to live and love people like Jesus did in the gospels”.

“What’s wrong with that? Isn’t that what we should do?”, you ask.

It’s not so much about what he said–but what was “missing” in his conversation.

This gentleman rightly stated how all of the previous rule following, surrounding oneself with like-minded people and rejecting others, is wrong–but he only went to seek to love everyone “like Jesus did” and to “feel good every day”. No mention of a relationship with Jesus, experiencing the freshness of rebirth. No comment on having a life-altering encounter with the Creator of the universe. No admonition for those listening to seek a full-on surrender to the One you cannot hide the circumcision, or uncircumcision, of your heart from–just another MUCH MORE ACCEPTED BY THE WORLD set of “rules” to live by.

It was at this time I remembered Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus in John 3: “…except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” It’s not about “rules”. It’s not about “show”. It’s about being BORN AGAIN.

The flesh loves rules. Rules make you feel disciplined, accomplished, righteous. But after a time, rules make you exhausted, empty, hopeless.

I came away thinking: if this podcast is a reflection of what is now being widely allowed in the pulpits of churches today, it’s time to have some “awkward conversations” with people we love, or don’t love for that matter, about the TRUTH of being IN Jesus. Don’t get CUT OFF while hanging out with modern day Galatians!

Galatians 6:15: “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.”

Then a pondering question emerged: If this man was already a pastor when he started having these doubts, how did he become a pastor in the first place? WHO LET HIM IN TO BE AROUND THE SHEEP??

Faith in Jesus is REAL–it is LIFE. It is not an intellectual dialog shifting from one set of man-doctrine strict rules to another set of go about loving, feel good, pet the flesh and judge not, gatherings of like-minded individuals who love to ask the question: “So, where do you go to church?” rules. It’s about becoming “a new creature”. It’s about a REAL relationship with the King of Kings. If you have never experienced that, please cry out to Jesus. He will meet you where you are! He LOVES you! He died so you could be “born again”–REALLY.

It’s time to LISTEN to what is being said…or rather, NOT being said. Ask the Lord to show you the Truth.

Scripture warns us of deception, false christs, false prophets, great lying signs and wonders in the Last Days. Matthew 24 also states, “…that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect”. If Jesus gave us a warning, we should heed it.

After praying for the Lord to show me Truth several years ago, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and ears to a church I was attending. I started noticing altar calls were no longer occurring, sermons were based in world-wisdom with a scripture thrown in, and plenty of fantastic song services with talented people and lights. My flesh felt good every time I went. Jesus was mentioned–but I started noticing that the focus seemed more about MY life and what He could do for ME–instead of loving and praising HIM for Who He IS, and what He has DONE. All I was hearing was a message of freedom from guilt, without freedom from sin. A promise of hope, without the fruit of victory.

I, like a frog in a pot, had sat there and never even noticed.

All I was hearing was a message of freedom from guilt, without freedom from sin.

A promise of hope, without the fruit of victory.

I don’t want you to think that I am against beautiful gatherings with talented worship leaders, lights, and doing good in a community–I’m not! I just want REAL. I want TRUTH. I want JESUS.

I want us to witness seeing truly BORN AGAIN believers in the group. I want us to be TRANSFORMED, not conformed. I want us to be a NEW CREATURE.

We should love being around other believers–hearing what God is doing in their lives, what they are learning, everything they are experiencing in Him. We should seek to get together, even more so as we see the Day approaching. But there’s SO MUCH MORE.

There’s an intimate RELATIONSHIP with Jesus that changes us COMPLETELY, little by little, day by day.

Next time someone asks me: So, where do you go to church? I think I’ll say: At His feet, EVERY day. Care to join? 😉

Thank you Lord for inspiring Paul to pen verses 15-17 of Galatians 6: “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.”