“54” – Loaf By Loaf
Words From the Grey

“54” A Witness to a Miracle

Back in early October, Kaime came into my office with an illuminated smile and a sparkle in her eye.  “Mom…LAVISHED!”  She had been upstairs studying and this beautiful word had been revealed.  This word “lavished” seemed to have pierced the air in the room.  It was a beautiful word and so eloquently described Him.  Jesus.  Father over All.  God, Himself.

Within minutes, I received a text from a dear friend asking me if I would speak at an upcoming Women’s Christmas event at their church.  “Yes, Yes, Yes” came up and out of me faster than my brain could process. She then asked if I had an idea of what I would like to speak on so that they could choose a theme?  “LAVISHED” was my response, and with 1 John 3:1 as the anchor scripture, it began.

I had no idea then, what I’m an eye-witness to now.  “Lavished” is just the tip of a toenail to His Love for these women He allowed in my path–or rather, me in theirs!

In order to be more concise in this accounting, I will preface all with how grateful and in awe I am of the leading of The Holy Spirit.  He IS El Shaddai!!

I knew within a few days of that initial text that God wanted to give material gifts, and on a specific budget.  I went to Alan with the budget to ask him to pray for confirmation and to give his blessing.  It was settled immediately.  God had already prepared him beforehand for what I would ask.  I wasn’t sure how it would all come together, but I’ve learned:  If God wants it done, HE PROVIDES.

A couple of days passed and I felt an urge to go to town alone, “shop-therapy” if you will.  (Women, you know, when you just want to walk around, look at pretty things and be alone in a crowd 😉  )  And that’s when it began…

While descending on the escalator at my favorite department store, I noticed a sale table of jewelry.  I felt compelled to peruse.  Oh my!  Beautiful drop chain necklaces and corded pendant beauties at prices I couldn’t have fathomed!!  I began hanging them one by one on my left arm.  A clerk approached and asked if I needed help.  “Yes” was my reply, “and may I have a gift box for each one?”  “Absolutely”, she responded with a smile.  Neither one of us had any idea the volume we had just agreed to!  I kept bringing my finds, and she kept pulling new boxes.  I wasn’t counting…I just kept bringing until an overwhelming fullness settled on me.  All necklaces…except for two very specific pairs of earrings that I just couldn’t put back.

By now there were four clerks involved with this purchase:  one boxing, one tagging, one scanning, and one bagging.  Questions began to ensue:  “Why are you buying all of these?”  and “How many do you need?”.  My response was as honest and to the point as I could convey:  “The Lord has opened a door for me to speak to a group of women around Christmas-time.”…”And I don’t have a clue.” were my respective answers.

They looked at me with a gracious, yet “this chick is crazy” expression.

As I watched them continue their assembly line process on my purchase, I prayed:  “Lord, only You know how many I need.  Please allow the exact number I’m purchasing, to be exactly what is needed.”.  (I already knew in my heart that scarves were on His list–so whatever the jewelry number, that’s how many I would purchase.)  The number at the end of the register tape:  54.

Fifty-four scarves were ordered.  Then fifty-four journals and pens.  Not 50…not 55…54.  Alan would question me, “What if you don’t have enough?”, “What if you have too many?”  “God will provide”, was my settled response.

A couple of weeks passed by and I felt a tug to add a bag of “goodies” to this divinely inspired gift.  I knew in my heart that I needed 54 brand-new cosmetic bags (you know, the kind that make-up counters give away as “gifts” when you purchase during certain events) and cosmetic samples to go in them.  But where to find 54??  God only knows…and He did. 🙂  With God’s divine FAVOR, and within a couple of weeks, I had 54 brand new cosmetic bags filled with 5 items each.  There were perfumes, lipsticks, eyeshadows, mascaras, etc.

LAVISHED was becoming a reality–and my bedroom floor was heaping with piles of 54!! 🙂

Then came the Love Letter (I have shared that with you at the end).  And Door Prizes were defined and purchased along with bibles–19 in all:  17 NKJV Study Bibles, and two very distinctive ones:  A Beautiful Word version, and a Joyce Meyer “Battlefield of The Mind” Bible.  Kaime had followed God’s lead, and His gifting placed in her, and made over 5 dozen of the most beautiful, decadent, size-of-your-hand, chocolate chunk cookies EVER tasted!  They were FABULOUS!  In fact, one lady came up to her at the meeting and said, “I don’t even like chocolate chip cookies!  BUT THESE…!!”

Psalm 34:8 seemed to be taking on a tangible witness:  “O Taste and see that the Lord is GOOD” 🙂

Back to the story:  Prayed over, packaged up, ribbons tied, and boxed for travel–all 54 gifts were ready.  Each woman would get a scarf, a journal, a pen, a necklace/or earrings, a copy of the letter, and a cosmetic bag filled with 5 things.  The only people who knew of the gifts, or the number of them, were members of my own house.  I had kept silent, even to the Pastor and his wife.

When we arrived to set up, I knew by God’s design that there was to be a “choice” drawing for the door prizes.  Each lady would be given a numbered Christmas ornament to drop into a vase representing her choice of gift.  In other words, she would need to choose which door prize she wanted to be entered to win.

Oh, and did I mention, there were only 54 ornaments.  Because as it would happen, the store only had 54 of the ones I liked! 🙂

Each woman would choose either from Italian Truffles, the Bibles, or a Tote Bag filled with a scarf, a necklace, cosmetics and a journal.  As the women passed through the line, comments were made about their struggles and aspirations for winning.   One particular lady stands out:  “Oh I want this bible!”, as she smiled and lovingly touched it.

Registration began, 1…10…45…50…53…filed in, signed up, and placed their ornaments.  It was time for the food serving lines to begin.  There was 1 ornament left:  number 54.

I knew God had done too many confirmations on 54–I had to find the one who was missing.

I looked outside.  I came back in.  I scanned the crowd looking for someone without a name tag.  FINALLY!  In the very back corner I saw her!  I went over and asked, “Have you not entered for our drawings?”  “Oh no”, she sheepishly replied.  “Oh please!   Allow me to get you a name tag!  You MUST be in on the fun!” was my response.  I thought I would start shouting as I sprinted across the room.  Number 54 was FOUND!!

Drawings began and ladies were getting excited about winning.  Bibles were next up.  And guess whose number was drawn for the one she loved??  YES!  She won!!  After the two distinctive ones were drawn, I announced that everyone who placed their “ornament choice” into the Bible jar would receive a brand new bible.  One by one I called out the numbers until all were drawn.  Wanna guess how many bibles were given away?  Yep, 19.  The exact number of Bibles purchased matched the exact number of ornaments in the jar!

Only God could do this!!

When I had arrived that afternoon, the pastor shared with me that two confessed atheists, and one lady of a foreign religion would be in attendance that evening.  He thought I should be aware just in case something stirred up during the message.  I knew God was bringing 54 women together–so as unbelieving as they claimed to be, they were divinely chosen to be present that night.  And He had this! 🙂

As the Holy Spirit moved on the words as I shared, God’s Love became all-consuming.  The conveyance of His indwelling, powerful, peace-filled, hopeful, healing Word began to cover the room.  “He is your Husbandman, your Redeemer, your Master and your King–choose to go ALL IN.  Let Him IN.  He’s worth it!  But it’s your choice…”, was the resounding theme.  Without a dry eye in the place, women prayed.  Women stood.  Women were healed of brokenness.

Many chose HIM.

Communion was BEAUTIFUL.  Taking Christ IN:  Body broken for us, and the revelation that IN His Lavished Love He shed His Blood for each woman in that room.  Lives began to change, and the atmosphere shifted.

After the final prayer was given, I announced that we would not draw for the “Gift bag filled with scarf, necklace, journal and such”, that I would give that bag they had seen on the drawing table to Kim, the Pastor’s wife.  There were saddened smiles and nods across the room–many had put their ornaments in that jar.

But that is when I shared that God had confirmed to me weeks before to bring 54 gifts.

“And do you know how many women are in this room?” I asked.  “54” I answered.

You could have heard a pin drop.  “He knew each one of you would be here.  He sees you.  He knows you.  Some of these gifts are unique and very much designed specifically for you.  You are worth all to Him.  He died to redeem you.  Please choose Him!  He wants to Lavish HIS LOVE upon you!”

More tears, then giggles, and comments of “only He could have known” were heard from women across the room as they unwrapped their gifts.  Many came up afterward and shared how each item in their package was EXACTLY what they would have chosen!

I love how He KNOWS us SO intricately!!

As the night concluded, there were hugs and comments from women who thought they’d fallen too far, but had chosen to return and go ALL IN that night.  There were comments of how they’d never felt so much love.  One woman stood out to me–because she was the lady who walked into the venue, and walked out.  Walked back in, and walked out.  She was so uncomfortable at the beginning.  She seemed angry to be there at first, but during the sharing of the Word her expression softened to processing of thoughts, then tears.  She smiled at me and said, “I haven’t felt Peace like this in years!”  All I could do was hug her!   A life forever changed.

Another woman, who cried the entire service, quickly slipped out after receiving her gift.  I may never know her story, but He does.  And IN LOVE He foreordained her attendance LONG AGO–and she was numbered in the 54.

All of us who KNOW HIM know:  One TRUE encounter with The King of Kings will change EVERYTHING FOREVER!  I’m SO honored to have been a witness to His LAVISHING of Love on this Hand-Picked Before the Foundation of the World group of 54.

One more before I close–I can’t help but smile, even now.  As I was readying to leave, a young woman came up to me with a smile the size of Texas and said, “I LOVE my new earrings!”.  🙂  I hugged her and told her, “He had me get those just for you.”

Jesus is AWESOME y’all!  Come and see!! 🙂



While praying one day, I heard Him say:  “Write.”

“O My Lovely Daughter,  You are SO loved!  You are SO special to Me!!  You bring a smile to My Face by your mere existence!

Did you know I thought of you before I made the world?  I did!  And I planned every curve of your face, your eyes, your hair.  And all of those things you call “quirks” are intricate puzzle pieces that cause you to fit perfectly into My Plan.

I’m coming.  I’m coming for you–to bring you to Me forever, if you are willing.  Do you love Me?  Will you prepare for My return?  Please be ready!  Oh, to see your expression when we finally meet face to Face!

With love throughout eternity,
